Expert Witness
Spindrift Director Jody is experienced in providing client with comprehensive support at all stages of the appeal process. She has particular experience in dealing with appeals related to the complex issue of refusal on the basis of design.
Expert Witness
Objection Preparation
Jody acted as expert witness for SDNPA on design matters for an appeal relating to the refusal of consent of an application on an allocated housing site in Lewes for which she had also acted as Design Officer. Design and conservation were significant reasons for refusal. Jody prepared the Statement of Case and Proof of Evidence, and represented SDNPA during a four day inquiry. The refusal of consent was successfully defended.
Thorpe Lea Road
Jody acted as expert witness on planning and design matters for Runneymede District Council for an appeal against refusal of consent for residential development on an allocated site in Egham. The appeal included complex issues around noise and air quality and impact on master planning quality and delivery of housing within the borough. Jody contributed to the Statement of Case, and prepared the Planning and Design Proof of Evidence. Following consideration of RBC’s Proof of Evidence Submissions the appellant chose to withdraw their appeal.
GE Aviation
Jody made representations and then appeared as member of the public, to oppose detailed access solutions which reduced the quality of walking and cycling provision on the access to this proposed development. It was the first appeal decision to cite the requirements of LTN 1/20 as a reason for refusal.